Monk Feats
Additional Monk Feats
[Complete Warrior]
Axiomatic Strike
- Requirements
- Ki Strike (lawful), Stunning Fist
- Benefit
- +2d6 unarmed damage against chaotic opponent. Must be declared beforehand; uses a stunning fist attempt; failure to hit wastes the attempt.
Clever Wrestling
- Requirements
- Small or Medium size, Improved Unarmed Strike
- Benefit
- When your opponent is larger than medium, you gain a circumstance bonus to your grapple check to escape a grapple or pin. The bonus is dependent on your opponent's size: Large +2, Huge +4, Gargantuan +6, Colossal +8.
Close-Quarters Fighting
- Requirements
- Base attack bonus +3
- Benefit
- Grapple attempts against you provoke attacks; add damage dealt to your check to resist. Opponents without improved grapple or improved grab cannot grapple you if they are struck.
Defensive Strike
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise Combat Reflexes, Dodge
- Benefit
- If an opponent misses you while you use the full defense option, the fight defensively option, or fight defensively with Combat Expertise, your next attack gains a +4 to hit you may take an attack of opportunity against the opponent.
Defensive Throw
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike
- Benefit
- If an opponent who is your Dodge target misses you with an attack, you may make an immediate trip attempt against him as an attack of opportunity.
Earth's Embrace
- Requirements
- Str 15, Improved Grapple or improved grab, Improved Unarmed Strike
- Benefit
- Each round you maintain a pin, do an extra +1d12 damage to your opponent. Each time you win a grapple check against an opponent you have pinned, including checks to resist the opponent getting free, you inflict 1d12 damage to the opponent. You must stay immobile, giving other opponents a +4 bonus to hit you. Creatures immune to critical hits are not affected by this ability.
Eagle Claw Attack
- Requirements
- Wis 13, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike
- Benefit
- Add Wis modifier to damage against objects.
Extra Stunning
- Requirements
- Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +2
- Benefit
- Gain 3 extra stunning attempts per day. This feat can be taken multiple times.
Eyes in the Back of Your Head
- Requirements
- Wis 13, Base attack bonus +1, three base saves of +3 or higher
- Benefit
- Opponents do not gain +2 to hit while flanking the benefits of flanking you, including the normal +2 bonus to hit and the ability to sneak attack (unless you are flat-footed).
Fists of Iron
- Requirements
- Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +2
- Benefit
- +1d6 damage Double base dice of damage on unarmed attacks. Must be declared beforehand; uses a stunning fist attempt; failure to hit wastes the attempt.
Fleet of Foot
- Requirements
- Dex 15, Run
- Benefit
- Make one direction change during a run or charge of 90 degrees or less. You must run at least 10 feet after the turn to maintain the charge.
Flying Kick
- Requirements
- Str 13, Jump 4 ranks, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack
- Benefit
- +1d12 on unarmed attacks while charging.
Freezing the Lifeblood
- Requirements
- Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +10
- Benefit
- Stunning Fist attempts paralyze humanoids for 1d4+1 rounds, but inflicts no damage.
Hold the Line
- Requirements
- Combat Reflexes, Base attack bonus +2
- Benefit
- Make attack of opportunity against charging foe who *enters* your threatened area.
Karmic Strike
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge
- Benefit
- Take -4 penalty to AC to make attack of opportunity against any opponent that hits you.
Kiai Shout
- Requirements
- Cha 13, Base attack bonus +1
- Benefit
- Your shout causes all opponents who can hear you and are within 30-ft to make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 level + Cha modifier) or be shaken for 1d6 rounds. This only affects creatures with fewer Hit Dice than you, and may be used 3/day.
Kiai Shout, Greater
- Requirements
- Cha 13, Kiai Shout, Base attack bonus +9
- Benefit
- As Kiai Shout, but causes panic in affected creatures for 2d6 rounds. Consumes uses of Kiai Shout.
Pain Touch
- Requirements
- Wis 15, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +2
- Benefit
- Stunned opponents are nauseated in the following round. Does not affect creatures more than one size category larger than you.
Prone Attack
- Requirements
- Dex 15, Lightning Reflexes, Base attack bonus +2
- Benefit
- Attack while prone at no penalty. If your attack succeeds, you may stand as a free action, though this action still provokes attacks of opportunity.
Rapid Stunning
- Requirements
- Combat Reflexes, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +6
- Benefit
- Use one additional stunning attempt per round. This feat can be taken multiple times.
Roundabout Kick
- Requirements
- Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack
- Benefit
- Additional unarmed attack on opponent on which you have just scored a critical hit (with an unarmed attack).
Throw Anything
- Requirements
- Dex 15, proficiency with weapon, Base attack bonus +2
- Benefit
- Throw melee weapon with no penalty and a range increment of 10-ft.
Weakening Touch
- Requirements
- Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +2
- Benefit
- Cause foe's strength to drop by 6 for 1 minute but does not inflict damage. Must be declared beforehand; uses a stunning fist attempt; failure to hit wastes the attempt. (There doesn't appear to be a save versus this effect, but it doesn't stack).
Zen Archery
- Requirements
- Wis 13, Base attack bonus +1
- Benefit
- Use Wis instead of Dex for ranged attacks.
Even More Monk Feats
Acrobatic Strike
- Requirements
- Tumble 12 ranks
- Benefit
- +6 to next attack on opponent you tumble past.
Bounding Assault
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Base attack bonus +12
- Benefit
- As Spring Attack, but you may attack twice.
Rapid Blitz
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Bounding Assault, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Base attack bonus +18
- Benefit
- As Spring Attack, but you may attack thrice.
Fiery Fist
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +8 or Monk level 2.
- Benefit
- Expend Stunning Fist attempt to inflict +1d6 your base unarmed strike damage dice in fire damage for one round. Gain +1 use of Stunning Fist per day.
Fiery Ki Defense
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Wis 13, Fiery Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +8 or Monk level 6.
- Benefit
- Expend Stunning Fist attempt to inflict +1d6 your base unarmed strike damage dice in fire damage to any who strike you in melee for one round.
Ki Blast
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Wis 13, Fiery Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +8 or Monk level 6.
- Benefit
- Expend 2 uses of Stunning Fist as a move action to create a ball of ki energy, which can be thrown up to 60 feet as a standard action. This ranged touch attack deals 3d6 damage damage as your unarmed strike advanced two size categories (1d8 -> 3d6, 1d10 -> 3d8, etc) plus your Wisdom modifier, and does damage as a force effect. It expires if not used by the end of your turn.
Leap of the Heavens
- Requirements
- Jump 4 ranks
- Benefit
- Don't double DC for standing jumps, +5 bonus on running jumps.
Melee Evasion
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge
- Benefit
- While fighting defensively, you can attempt to negate a single attack made by the target of your Dodge feat. If this opponent attacks you, use an immediate action to make a d20 roll modified by your highest base attack bonus. The result is used as your normal AC and touch AC against that single, specific attack from your opponent.
Short Haft
- Requirements
- Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Base attack bonus +3
- Benefit
- As a swift action, you can choose to lose the benefit of a reach weapon but now threaten a 5-foot area. As another swift action, you can regain your reach.
Water Splitting Stone
- Requirements
- Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Base attack bonus +9
- Benefit
- +4 bonus on damage when striking opponent that has DR that is *effective* against your unarmed strikes.